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Teaching Development

The Teaching Development (TD) cluster was previously part of the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Media. We aim to empower academics to design relevant, innovative curricula as well as employ teaching, learning and assessment practices that are informed by best practice. 

TD's objectives are:

Enabling learning and teaching environment through various teaching development programmes;

Contributing to the development and implementation of strategies, programmes and services to develop and transform the teaching, assessment and curriculum design practices of academics.

For more information and contact details, visit the Teaching Excellence site.

Learning Development

This cluster brings together all previous activities that supported student learning  plus one or two new areas to further enhance student learning support programmes. The goal will be to work in a more complementary manner. These activities are divided into 4 sub-clusters:

Academic Literacies:

First year Success – previously known as Orientation
Academic Writing Literacies – previously known as the Writing Centre
Academic and Life Skills Management (ALM)

Learning Development: 

Supplemental Instruction (SI)
Learning Development – previously known as Academic Development

Student Success Coaching

A Student Success Coach is assigned to each faculty. Their brief is to provide support to individual students requiring assistance in becoming more successful at university.

For more information and contact details, visit the Learning Development for Students site.

Digital Learning Experience Design and Innovation

The LXD cluster provides professional learning design capacity to university. Building of flagship learning projects and providing techinical know-how and support to academics. Consultation on the use, introduction and deployment of technologies in the LT setting. Training academics in the use of LT technologies in the context of pedagogy. We support staff to design their courses and learning resources to take advantage of different technologies to support learning and teaching through virtual training and “how to” workshops. Innovation and research through piloting and evaluation of new LT technologies and systems such as VR,AR, AI and Learning Analytics.

For more information and contact details, visit the LXD site.

Emthonjeni - Fountain of Student Wellness

To provide students with support, guidance and professional counselling that contribute to holistic student success and the achievement of desired Nelson Mandela University graduate attributes.

For more information and contact details, visit the Emthonjeni site.

Academic Planning

The role of this cluster is to facilitate strategic planning in academic affairs and to support planning, conceptualisation and development of academic programmes. The objective is to ensure that all programme qualifications are aligned with the university's strategic and operational objectives and meet DHET, CHE, HEQC and SAQA criteria.

For more information and contact details, visit the Academic Planning site.

Quality Advancement

The Quality Advancement cluster strives to promote awareness and initiatives around quality assurance within the institution and its various organisational units, so that the university can achieve its strategic priorities with respect to institutional innovation and excellence and the provision of a quality learning experiences for all our learners.

For more information and contact details, visit the Quality Advancement site.

LT Collab works in partnership with faculties, departments and the Faculty Teaching & Learning Committees to plan, develop, implement and evaluate effective teaching and learning projects across the institution.

LT Collab staff represented at Faculty level

“Enabling learning and teaching development, innovation and success to change the world”

Learning and Teaching Collaborative for Success (LT Collab) in which LT enabling opportunities take the form of collaborative partnerships with students, academics and other institutional services to learn together, socially construct knowledge, develop understanding or personal insights, and care for our students and staff. These collabs are facilitated by LT staff from a range of disciplines with different roles and expertise who work together for the mutual benefit of fostering LT success.